Be going to

Parts of the Body and Health

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Comparatives and Superlatives

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House and Furniture

You can watch these videos


You can watch videos here and here

Trio Composition 3rd Term

Writing. TRIO: Write the do’s and don’ts of good computer use.

08 Education

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03 Jobs

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Past Simple. Irregular Verbs

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You can do these activities:
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
Exercise 7
Exercise 8
Exercise 9

Past Simple

Past Simple

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You can watch these videos


You can watch these videos


You can watch these videos

Present Continuous

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You can do these exercises
You can also do these exercises:
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3 
Present simple vs. present continuous


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Would Like to

Likes and Dislikes

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You can do exercises here and here

Can, Can't

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And you can do this exercise

The Weather

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You can listen to this and this
You can do this exercise and this one

Free Time

You can listen to this , this and this dialogue
For sports you can listen here, here and here
You can also watch these videos

Some and Any. There is and There are

Some, Any. There is/ AreHere you have an explanation on how to use some, any, there is and there are. Thank you Juan for the powerpoint.

Much, many and a lot of

You can watch some videos here.
You can do some exercises here, here or here.

There is / There are

You can watch these videos
You can do this exercise

Some and Any

You can do some exercises here, here and here.
You can watch some videos here

Food: How much?

Here you have some videos about food.

Have Got = Have

To practise "have" and "have got" you can watch these videos.

You can do exercises here, here,here and here


Here you have some videos to practise your adjectives.

Object Pronouns

You can get more practice if you watch these videos.

Here you have an exercise. And here another.